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Desert Stars 360 is a 3 degrees of freedom documentary. IT Explores the possibilities of the equirectangular image to create a poetic transition between the elements of the narrative.
the high cost of a quality headset still makes virtual reality inaccessible to audiences with low purchasing power. in order TO give an alternative for the public to acess and to further expand the reach of Desert Stars, THE experience IS available ON YOUTUBE. IF you prefer, CLICK HERE to download DESERT STARS 360 and watch it on your headset. click here to Download the subtitles.
Thus, the participant starts the experience in the middle of the desert, lit only by the stars. After the brief text contextualizing the experience, the titleS breaks up into small particles that mix with the stars in the sky. In fade, there is a photograph of the wise Alhaizza sitting on a rug preparing tea. We then heard Hamdi's voice, talking about the importance of tea in Saharawi culture...
iN 2020, DESERT STARS 360º WAs awarded AND exhibited online AT Crystals of time: emergencies in the cracks of the present along with nine other PIECES by international artists. In addition, the PROJECT was also selected by the Ukrainian platform V-ART to be exhibited in the EXBIT Art Spaceship.

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